Available at: Message and Upload area subboard prompts
The READ command may be used to display any item that has been entered onto ("posted on") the subboard.
By default, the item will be printed followed immediately by its responses, if any. CNet has a feature called "Pause Between Responses" which will cause CNet to pause before each new response with the query "More responses. Continue [Yes]? ." Some people find this an easier way to read messages, others prefer simply to use Control-S/Control-Q flow control. To enable the Pause Between Responses, use the EP command at any prompt.
After reading an item, the prompt "Respond or pass> " may be displayed, depending on the subboard's configuration. Entering R at this prompt will allow you to add your own response to the end of the item.
There are many variations of the Read command. The most command are RN for Read all New messages, and RA, for Read Global New (all new messages on all subboards). For more help with RA, use HELP RA.
For examples of other ways to use the Read command (as well as other subboard commands), use the help topic RANGES.